Opportunità formativa: Summer School on Historic and Prehistoric Landslides

Summer School on Historic and Prehistoric Landslides

Summer school for early-career scientists

Historic and prehistoric landslides in the northern Italian Alps
Implications for new hazard maps in mountainous areas

30 June – 5 July 2019

Deadline for application: 15 May 2019

Trentino and Veneto regions (NE Italian Alps)

People usually think that colossal catastrophic landslides belong to a remote past and can no longer influence their lives, but recent dating of some huge landslide deposits in the Dolomites have shown that they are actually young and recurrent. In this context, we invite you to review, analyze and discuss about the implications for the hazard map.

More info Summer School on Historic and Prehistoric Landslides

Deadline for application: 15 May 2019

Ph. Pixcube