A DVD under the Christmas tree: “The Dolomites. Journey in the fossil archipelago”

The Dolomites World Heritage – a great gift this Christmas!

Enjoy the highlights of the documentary “The Dolomites. Mountains, people and their stories” in one DVD. Take everyone on an amazing journey in the fossil archipelago!

The UNESCO Dolomites Foundation has chosen two criteria as the focus of this 50-minute DVD, criteria which were decisive for inscription on the List of World Heritage Sites: their exceptional scientific importance for the geological history of the Earth and the extraordinary beauty of the landscape.

Key excerpts have been taken from each of the six episodes of the documentary to recreate an overview of the Property, illustrating the geological and geomorphological aspects as well as the beauty of the landscape, rounding off with the actions taken to conserve and protect the landscape, also with regard to human activities.

This is a great opportunity to complete your collection of the Dolomites with the latest addition to the story, the one that involves us, our way of relating to the mountains and how we see them in the future, seven years on from UNESCO inscriptionThe DVD is available in Italian, German and English.

For more information on orders and shipping of the DVD “The Dolomites. Journey in the fossil archipelago”, please contact the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation at info@dolomitiunesco.info – Cortina d’Ampezzo.