A new year of “Landscape Sciences” begins

A new year of courses for the Master’s Degree in Landscape Sciences, which was established last year by the University of Padua, will begin with a reception for new students on 1 October at Villa Revedin Bolasco in Castelfranco Veneto.

Because the landscape deserves a degree

“The importance of the landscape for quality of life, for the appeal of places and products, for the revitalization of marginal areas, and for cultural growth and the well-being of populations is now recognised and shared”, reads the course presentation. “This requires new skills involving the integration of the complex themes of protection with those of development, promotion and awareness, starting from a solid base of knowledge of the characteristics of landscapes and how they are portrayed”.

Employment opportunities

During the course of their studies, graduates in Landscape Sciences acquire skills that can be used in the public, private or private-social sectors, for example, skills that support processes aimed at the protection, planning and management of the landscape and working to enhance and promote it, as well as operating on a cultural level, for example in the processes of active citizenship and promoting communication, education and participation. In addition to all this, it is possible to obtain A21 subject certification in order to teach Geography in secondary school.

Laboratory approach

The Degree Course will use innovative teaching methods, with a strong emphasis on workshops. In addition to providing instruction on particular frameworks and methods, the course will include technical and scientific studies (regional planning, landscape ecology, landscape and the Anthropocene era), and socio-humanistic content (the culture and representation of urban landscapes, historical landscapes, the relationship between cinema and landscape, landscape archaeology, enhancement and promotion of tourism).

Ph. Alessandra Masi