Accessible Dolomites: the first course of skiing instructors is ready to kick off

Accessible Dolomites, a heritage for everyone

‘Managing learners with sensory-motor disabilities and autism spectrum disorder’

Complete your application and send it in

The programme of the training course for ski instructors in the UNESCO Dolomites has been drawn up and applications can now be sent in.

As part of the project “Accessible Dolomites, a Heritage for everyone”, financed by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Tourism as part of the implementation of Italian Law 77/2006, the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation is organising a training course to prepare professional figures with the necessary skills to accompany people with disabilities.

The aim of the training sessions, organised with the support of the Accademia della Montagna del Trentino, is to produce highly qualified guides, bringing together people who are already involved in sports, outdoor experience and social inclusion in the Dolomites territory, and getting them to work together, building a service that will operate throughout the Property.

Course for ski instructors

29 – 30 March 2017 in Falcade (BL)

‘Managing learners with sensory-motor disabilities and autism spectrum disorder’.

Complete your application and send it in

Course for Alpine guides and instructors

A second course will be held in June for Alpine guides and instructors. The course ‘Accompanying people with sensory-motor disabilities and autism spectrum disorder in the mountains’ will be held in Maniago on 9 – 10 June.


The courses are free of charge and participants will be provided with meals.

The maximum number of participants for each course is 30.

The lessons will be held in Italian.

Participants will receive a certificate of participation.

Sign up here!





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