Aquì estan las Dolomitas: the Lonely Planet guide is now also available in Spanish

The Lonely Planet guide to the UNESCO Dolomites is now also available in Spanish. The presentation took place in Madrid on March 11th.

A promise kept

The guide was launched a year ago, involving various events. During the function held at BIT in Milan, the publishers – EDT of Turin – announced their intention to translate the guide into various languages. Thanks to the support of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation, that promise has been kept: in addition to the Spanish edition, German and French ones are also being published.

A unique heritage

The guide was written by Giacomo Bassi, Piero Pasini and Denis Falconieri, and its uniqueness lies in the fact that it considers the Dolomites as a geographical area, describing the UNESCO Heritage Site in terms of all its 9 systems.

The guide is therefore totally consistent with the Foundation’s idea of managing the asset as an integrated network. So, the project has received our full support, combined with respect for the editorial freedom of the authors and publisher.

Languages and styles

In keeping with the typical Lonely Planet style, the three authors have always had first hand experience of every situation and environment they describe, interpreting them in a personal way and providing the visitor with useful and practical information. Their different styles together make up a special travel diary, now also available in several different languages. UNESCO recognition has certainly helped to promote international interest. Mountain hut managers see this every day, with tourists coming from more and more different countries. These translations of the guide into the most common languages spoken by visitors to the Dolomites is therefore an important step forward. With the Lonely Planet in your backpack, you can walk along paths in the Brenta Dolomites or at the foot of Mount Marmolada, follow trails in the wild Friulian Dolomites or the high ridges of the Sennes Alps.