#DolomitesUNESCO: the hashtag makes its debut on INSTAGRAM

A new social network to build together!

2017 is the year of Instagram and

the magic word is the same: DolomitesUNESCO!

The Foundation increases its visibility on social networks as its public grows by the day, interested to learn more and interact with the UNESCO Dolomites.

Its debut was on Twitter, tweeting about UNESCO with its famous 140-character word limit. That was 2015, it did not take long to attract thousands of international followers, reaching around 12,000 today.


In 2016 it was the turn of the most popular social network we have: Facebook. The number of likes and shares is growing all the time and the comments left are more and more detailed. The community has come to understand that the profile represents a collective voice that goes beyond the boundaries of each individual administrative area and which describes the Property in its entirety, focusing on the geological and landscape values of the nine systems which belong to the serial property.

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The decision by the Foundation to take the most “photogenic” social network of the moment by storm in January 2017 was prompted by the interaction with the members of the community, which have now reached over 17,000. The Instagram profile has the same name as Facebook and Twitter: ‘Dolomites UNESCO’ and the hashtag is identical too: #dolomitesunesco. So there’s no excuse!

Come and join us on Instagram and share your best shots of the UNESCO Dolomites. Help us in our mission to raise awareness of the values which have made the Dolomites unique throughout the world!

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