Dolomiti Days 2017: four participatory workshops to discuss activities and strategies to promote UNESCO recognition

Event ended


Dolomiti Days 2017: four participatory workshops

The Foundation is inviting professional associations in the Dolomites territories to take part in four meetings where they can discuss new ideas for the active conservation of the UNESCO Dolomites Site and share experiences of best practices of existing projects

Objective of the meetings

Four meetings of collective discussion and active participation of local figures in the objectives which are currently on the agenda of the Landscape and Protected Areas Network of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation. The Network was set up to harmonise the tools used to govern the territory, with particular focus on the rules and principles applied to landscape projects in the Dolomites.

The workshops are intended for professional associations and are to be considered training and refresher courses. To this end, each association shall be responsible for defining the necessary procedures for earning credits.


Friday 22 September 2017

2.30/7.00 pm

Seravella Museum in Cesiomaggiore (BL)

The map of community values of the Dolomites World Heritage Site

Saturday 30 September 2017

9.30 am/5.00 pm

Headquarters of the Dolomiti Friulane Natural Park in Cimolais (PN)

Pushing back boundaries in planning 3: shared tools for landscape management in the UNESCO Dolomites

Friday 6 October 2017

2.30/7.00 pm

Visitor centre of the Dolomiti Friulane Natural Park in Andreis (PN)

Active conservation: comparing good practices

14 October 2017

9.30 am/5.00 pm

Nuovo Spazio di Casso – Erto (PN)

Energy in the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage Site


The workshops will be divided into two sessions: the first will take the form of a lecture, where experts will speak of their experiences of projects which are currently underway which are relevant to the theme of the workshop and will discuss the status of the issues in question; the second part will use different approaches depending on the number of participants (open space technology, World Cafés or focus groups) and its aim will be to collectively discuss the issues which emerged during the experts’ talks and to share proposals put forward during the group work.

Anticipated results

An instant report containing the proposals put forward at each meeting will be drawn up and given to all the participants. At the end of all the workshops, a report will be published, detailing the results of the participatory process.