Dolomiti inclusive: the stories gathered in the podcasts

The association Dolomiti Open has produced a series of podcasts telling stories about the Dolomites, featuring myths of the past and, most importantly, achievements of the present. At a time when, thanks to social media, or because of it, we are inundated with thousands of spectacular images of the Dolomites every day, here is a challenge, which has been met, all centred on slow, widespread narration which, moreover, touches on one of the most important themes for the Dolomites World Heritage Site, that of accessibility.

Dolomiti PlaceToBe

Dolomiti PlaceToBe is the new audio-visual narration project created by Dolomiti Open, Sportfund-Fondazione per lo sport Onlus and Apt Dolomiti Paganella; it is a collection of stories and ideas that devotes the usual attention to sustainability and respect for the mountains that is typical of these associations. In fact, Dolomiti Open’s mission is to spread the culture of sport in the mountain environment as a time for personal, social and relational growth. To that end, the association has developed projects focusing on accessibility and inclusion that are more than connected with the values of the World Heritage Site over the years; the Dolomites are, after all, a World Heritage Site for all, and to facilitate their enjoyment means increasing accessibility while respecting diversity.

To enjoy the mountains is also to enjoy the stories they have to offer; this is why we invite you to immerse yourself in the stories shared in the first series of the “Dolomiti PlaceToBe” podcast entitled, “The story of a few becomes the achievement of many”. The protagonists are the Brenta Dolomites, and the exploits of famous mountaineers, athletes and disabled champions who, thanks to the “Brenta Open” initiative, have made climbs that were unthinkable until just a few years ago.

Ph. Brenta Open