Emergency in the mountains: Master course gets the green light

A new edition of the University of Padua’s one-year Master course in “Prevention and emergency in mountain and high-altitude areas” will begin in November in Feltre (BL). The course offers training for rescue professionals in mountain and high-altitude environments.

Why a Master course?

The Master course, directed by Prof. Vincenzo Baldo, targets healthcare professionals working as technicians and nurses with the aim of boosting their skills in the areas of prevention, emergencies and urgent care. The high number of visitors to the mountains during the tourist season and the need to provide residents with adequate health and prevention services means that setting up the Master course and keeping it going is essential for the mountain region. Ensuring that emergency professionals receive high-level training provides them with professional opportunities within the Emergency Operations Units and SUEM 118 [Emergency Medical Service] of healthcare companies, as well as in the non-profit and private sectors.


The course will run from November 2021 to September 2022, and there are 17 places available. The application fee is just over three thousand Euro, and selection will be based on an evaluation of qualifications. Applications must be submitted by 8 October 2021. All the information is available here.