Passes of the Dolomites An EURAC study on behalf of the Foundation

Appointed by the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation, between March 2014 and April 2015, the Institute for Regional Development and Land Management of the European Academy (EURAC) of Bolzano performed a study on traffic through the passes of the Dolomites.

EURAC carried out a series of surveys aimed at gathering scientific data relevant to the debate on how to manage mobility in the World Heritage Site and drafting of the Sustainable Tourism Strategy and Overall Management Strategy for the Property. Various tools were utilised by EURAC to form an overview of the current situation. These included analysis of traffic using automatic detection systems, counts performed through sampling, qualitative interviews, and gathering information on good practice.

The study also considers aspects such as acoustic impacts and environmental pollution, and analyses certain aspects of visitor behaviour, such as criteria for choosing mode of transport, levels of traffic passing through rather than stopping, and expectations deriving from the World Heritage status of the area.

The study “Passes of the Dolomites. Analysis of traffic and its impacts, along with proposed management measures” is available online [in Italian]