Festival dei Giovani delle Dolomiti 2017

Event ended




“Space is (in)finite”

Reusing, rethinking, reinterpreting, respecting

25 July – 6 August, a busy calendar of events in the Dolomiti Friulane


The “Festival dei Giovani delle Dolomiti Friulane” (Festival for Young People in the Dolomiti Friulane) was launched and is organised by UTI delle Valli e delle Dolomiti Friulane – an organisation which brings together the many small municipalities in the area. The festival is sponsored by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, with the support of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation.

The aim of the Festival is to give young people who live in the Dolomiti Friulane a chance to demonstrate their creativity, expressive skills, styles and works; the Festival also promotes environmental sustainability through informed use of resources and good practices when reusing and recycling the most common consumer goods, while bearing in mind the special characteristics of such a sensitive area like the Dolomites.

Its purpose is to encourage social wellbeing, while improving the quality of life of the young people who live in the municipalities of the Dolomiti Friulane, from Andreis, Barcis, Claut, Cimolais, Erto and Casso, Frisanco, Montereale Valcellina to Tramonti di Sopra.

The Festival is organised in synergy with the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation and CIPRA, and the theme this year focuses on the idea of space. Space is a place for participation, involvement, discussion and comparison and the title of the Festival, “Space is (in)finite”, is intended to encourage participation and heighten awareness in the young people who live in the municipalities of the UNESCO Dolomites. Its purpose is to share common objectives and activities in the protected territories and create a network and working group with administrators, local youth associations and young people.

This year the Festival will have a “tightrope” feel to it with a special show “ECHO” by Circo Contemporaneo with the “Circo all’Incirca” club as part of DOLOMITI DAYS. Two outstanding companies, “Amer i Africa Circ cia” and “Circo No Ato”, will be putting on four performances in the municipalities of Andreis, Cimolais, Casasola and Tramonti di Sopra, under the artistic direction of Roberto Magro.

The Festival dei Giovani delle Dolomiti will also feature “Music in the Dolomites” with a concert in Pian del Muscol in Claut, when the local singer-songwriter Franco Giordani will be performing in a special show with Massimo Gatti and special guests SAFAR MAZI, who will thrill spectators with their sounds and multiethnicity.

For the detailled programme of the event, visit www.festivalgiovanidolomiti.it