High quality producers online at visitdolomites.com

The portal for the World Heritage Dolomites site now has a special new section for the area’s quality producers.  So, together with the parks, museums, the Alte Vie, the mountain huts, the viewing platforms and accessible paths, you can now also read the stories of producers working in the high mountains.

High altitude, high quality

This is often a matter of very special, accredited products, some of them winners of national and international awards, and some rather niche and relatively unknown. But it is mainly a question of creative, determined producers, who have elected to aim for quality, either through choice or simply by necessity – because in the mountains, quantity is not a given and you have to aim for excellence to survive. So we are talking about wild strawberries, cider, mountain honey, medicinal herbs, and fine cheeses; but above all about Margareth, Georg, Carlo, Massimo and Renato.  And the many others that will also feature in the coming weeks. So, visitdolomites.com not only shows you the best of the Dolomites, but also the excellent work of the people who live there.

The beginning of a story told through many voices

Producers in the UNESCO Dolomites have been conversing online for many years; to share their experiences, incentives and everyday problems, but also to create a shared narrative about what it means to manage a farming business in the high mountains. The visitdolomites.com portal is, therefore, certainly enhanced by the direct experiences of these producers, who play such an important role in building the future of the Dolomites. As many have pointed out, tourism will have no future without the input of farming, and without the active participation of local residents.

Ph. Dalaip dei Pape