UNESCO information hotspots in the Dolomites: the study

One of the priority tasks of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation is to raise awareness and share information about local areas, promoting and enhancing them. There are many different approaches, both scientific and informative, adopted to pursue this mission.  On this basis, the Foundation, through the Geological Heritage Network and the Protected Areas Network, has commissioned a preliminary study for the creation of information points on the UNESCO Site in hot spots around the Dolomites. Specifically, Dolomiti Project srl has researched potential hot spots and defined the communication standards to be adopted.

Through the study, entitled “Implementation of priority actions in general strategic management planning for the “Dolomiti – Dolomiten – Dolomites – Dolomitis UNESCO’ site”, the different hot spots were identified: important trails, panoramic viewpoints and observation areas offering the chance to easily appreciate the geological and scenic features that make the Dolomites a World Heritage Site.

The study identified the hot spots and developed a proposal for creation of the information structures and media, as well as the communications standards to be used. Local Authorities managing the different areas will now be responsible for installing this “observation network” for the UNESCO Dolomites Natural Site.

The study was performed with the support of MIBACT, on the basis of Law no. 77 of 20 February 2006 “Special measures for the protection and enjoyment of Italian sites of cultural, scenic and environmental interest, included on the World Heritage List, recognised by UNESCO”.

Read the study here [in Italian]