Limits and freedom: “Oltre le Vette” returns

As it is every autumn, the city of Belluno will host a multi-voice (and multi-modal) reflection on the mountains, their limits and the freedom they can offer. In fact, “Limits and Freedom” is the theme chosen for the 26th edition of “Oltre le Vette (Beyond the Peaks),” the historic cultural festival dedicated to the mountains and organised by the City of Belluno with the help of the Fondazione Teatri delle Dolomiti and the support of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation, which has renewed its willingness to collaborate with the initiative again this year. The event will take place from 7 to 16 October.


Il manifesto di Oltre le Vette 2022

On this side and that side of the limit

“Limits and freedom may seem like an oxymoron, but when it comes to the mountains, the terms are closely linked, as limits are what make it possible to experience freedom.” This is the significance of the theme that will be the common thread running through exhibitions, lectures, performances, book presentations and events dedicated to fans as well as to the region and families. The sponsors continue: “The purpose of an exhibition like Oltre le Vette is to help people understand that, even in the mountains, freedom has its limits; we cannot simply do as we please without taking the profound delicacy and diversity of the environment around us into account.” This message fully aligns with the aims of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation, which will also be featured in a special event.

Geotrail and #mountainhutlife

We invite you to view the entire programme, which features distinguished names and topics of considerable interest, and we would also like to highlight two events promoted directly by the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation.

The Foundation and the Province of Belluno will present the Dolomites World Heritage Geotrail project, a forty-seven-stage route through the entire fossil archipelago of the World Heritage Dolomites, from the westernmost Brenta Dolomites to the easternmost Friulian and Oltre Piave Dolomites on Friday 7 October at 9 p.m. at the Municipal Theatre.

We will come together to conclude the summer season of #mountainhutlife, the campaign initiated by the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation in cooperation with the World Heritage Mountain Hut Managers Network, on Thursday 13 October at 5 p.m. at Palazzo Bembo. The baton has been passed from one prestigious festival to another, with the introduction of the initiative at the Trento Film Festival last May and the conclusion of this edition in Belluno with the participation of some mountain hut managers and the screening of some of the video clips produced and disseminated during the summer.