Mountain hut managers up their game

UNESCO recognition has attracted more and more international visitors to the Dolomites. And mountain hut managers have embraced the challenge this has brought by going back to school, thanks to the Education and Scientific Research Network of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation. The second advanced course “Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage Mountain Huts” will be held on 20 and 21 November in Bressanone.


The course has been organised for the second year running for the owners and managers of the mountain huts in the core area of the Dolomites Property and, to ensure proceedings go as smoothly as possible, there will be a simultaneous translation in Italian and German. Things will get underway on Tuesday 20 November at 9.00 am in the council chamber of the Municipality of Bressanone, where participants will be welcomed by Gabriella De Fino, UNESCO Area Manager from the Trentino School of Management, and the director of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation, Marcella Morandini. Over the two-day course, there will be contributions from a variety of technical experts, starting with the anthropologist Annibale Salsa, member of the Scientific Committee of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation. He will be followed by Ugo Morelli of the University of Naples, Elisabeth Berger of the Natural Parklands Office of the autonomous Province of Bolzano, Georg Simeoni, chairman of AVS, Claudio Sartori, president of CAI Alto Adige, Roberta Silva, manager of the Roda di Vael refuge, Corrado Morelli, geologist from the autonomous Province of Bolzano, Marco Aime of the University of Genoa and Giuseppe Ferrandi from the Foundation of the Museo storico del Trentino.


Judging by the large number of applications received and the success of last year’s event, the course really meets a need and satisfies one of main requests of mountain hut managers who find themselves on the frontline of this new kind of hospitality.

The objective of the course, which is coordinated by the Foundation, is to give mountain hut managers a better understanding of the unique nature and values of the UNESCO Dolomites World Heritage Site, showing them how sites can communicate with their clients and the benefits of working together and in a network with other managers.


Over the past few years, working in a network has become an essential requisite for mountain hut managers, giving them the support they need to provide their service. Working together and establishing an ongoing relationship where they can share experiences, exchange good practices, come up with technical solutions and keep each other up-to-date about emerging problems is more than just a hope, it has become a real need.

In fact, it is no coincidence that this desire for a practical, lasting relationship among mountain hut managers emerged so strongly during the #Dolomites2040 participatory process, which led to the drafting of the Overall Management Strategy of the Dolomites World Heritage Site.


Applications are open until 13 November. Just send an email to, specifying on the subject line: “Application to Dolomites UNESCO_2018 World Heritage Mountain Huts Course” and indicate the name and surname of the participant, the name of the refuge, a phone number and email address. The course is free of charge: bed and board will be paid by the organisation.

Ph. Andreas Tamanini