#MOUNTAINHUTLIFE for a more informed visit to the mountains
The calendar of events has been set in all regions of the Dolomites World Heritage site. The motivational and practical aspects of the work that the mountain hut managers do will be relayed first-hand, with the participation of special guests who will also talk about the climate crisis, prudence in the mountains and, more generally, about all the issues that concern visiting and working at high elevations. In other words, as of this year, #mountainhutlife is not only online, but also in person.
The programme will begin on 5 July and end on 12 October, touching various locations from the Brenta to the Pale di San Martino, from the Rosengarten to the Puez, from the Ampezzo Dolomites to the Friulian Dolomites, from the Pelmo to the Schiara. The idea of guiding visitors in learning about the practical aspects, the daily difficulties, and the profound motivations that animate the work of the high-elevation custodians was conceived last November, during the last annual meeting of the Dolomites World Heritage Mountain Hut Managers, held in Pieve di Cadore, and takes its cue from the #mountainhutlife social media campaign, conducted in recent years by the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation and the managers of the core area of the Dolomites World Heritage site. Of course, the opportunity to gather at the mountain huts will also be pertinent to broadening the discussion to include geological or botanical aspects and topics related to responsible visits to the mountains; keeping everything within the context of a greater awareness of Heritage values and the changes imposed by the climate crisis. The three geotrekking sessions will take place thanks to the collaboration of geologists, guides, and managers of the parks being traversed; the other seven meetings, however, will involve autonomously reaching the mountain hut where the managers will explain their activities and then yield the floor to the day’s guests.
Below is the packed schedule – registration is only required for geotrekking but it is recommended for other events as well to facilitate organisation.