Start-up of the UNESCO Youth Committee

that the wide diffusion of culture, and the education of humanity for justice and liberty and peace are indispensable to the dignity of man and constitute a sacred duty which all the nations must fulfil in a spirit of mutual assistance and concern

from the UNESCO Constitution, signed in London, 16 November 1945

Made up of some 200 young people from all over Italy, the Youth Committee has been formed to support the activities of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO in the fields of education, science, culture and communications, promoting projects, values and priorities within local communities, by seeking the active participation of young people and civil society in general in initiatives and events of national relevance.

It is divided into Regional Committees each consisting of about ten members selected competitively and whose education and career background are in line with the topics handled by the Youth Committee. Within each Committee are working groups dealing with education and training, fund raising, culture and communications. Each working group has one member representing the Region at national level, acting as a go-between in regional and national discussions.

The Committee has a National Board, an Executive Board, a group of members who coordinate national projects and a regional representative who coordinates local projects.

The first National Assembly was held in Rome on 15-16 January 2016. This was the first step in everyone getting to know each other and to start discussing projects in the pipeline and the working methods to be used. The website is now online, with information on projects, the structure, contacts and members:

Stefania Grandi – Youth Committee of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO


Photo credit: Comitato Giovani – Commissione Nazionale Italiana UNESCO