Nine Systems, one World Heritage Site Property: “9 x 1 = The Dolomites”

The Dolomites through the experiences of those who live and work within the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage site. A hybrid format that is half conference and half performance, presenting the mountains through the accounts of those who live there. Images, sounds, faces and voices. And the message not only confirms that which we already know, that the Dolomites are of World Heritage importance, but also explores how we are experiencing them.

Punta Penia, Marmolada. One of the nine Systems of UNESCO Dolomites World Heritage.

Ph. Moreno Geremetta

What is the aim? Looking each other in the face and evaluating the experience together in terms of awareness of living and working in a World Heritage Site. Without rhetoric and without forgetting the beauty of the Dolomites can and must become an opportunity to continue living there.

Three editions of “9 x 1 = The Dolomites” have been held. The first was held in Moena, Trentino in 2016 in collaboration with the Municipality of Fascia – Reserve Network. In 2017, the conference/performance was held in Palmanova in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Then, the third edition was hosted in Belluno in 2018, in the context of the Beyond the Peaks festival.




This activity is part of the project “Promotion of the region through integrated management and communication actions of the UNESCO Dolomites WHS”, established with the support of Fondo Comuni Confinanti.