Our family of Supporters is growing

The UNESCO Dolomites Foundation has more and more Supporters on its list. The Municipality of Stenico in Trentino has recently joined us, as well as six keen photographers: Manuel Bernard and Nicola Manfredi from Trentino, Thomas Cantoni from Friuli, and Lorenzo Barbante, Cristian Bigontina and Lorena Bravin from Belluno.

Municipalities, associations, businesses

Anyone who shares the values that led to the inclusion of the Dolomites on the World Heritage List, can apply to join our Board of Supporters. To help us uphold these values, members are asked either to pay a contribution or to lend their services in a practical way. We now have 168 members on our list, including many municipalities and local bodies, associations, foundations, companies, commercial businesses and professionals. The Board of Supporters is actually a statutory body of the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation, and typifies our “bottom-up” approach: demonstrated both during the candidacy process for UNESCO recognition, and the route to developing an Overall Management Strategy for the Dolomites Site.

Supporters: Giving and receiving value

On the one hand, anyone who becomes a Supporter can feel part of a joint effort focused on the active conservation of our Heritage. On the other hand, membership gives added value to one’s work or role, through use of the UNESCO Dolomites logo, now recognised all over the world.

A shot of pride

That sense of belonging to the territory, captured in their wonderful photos, has led to photographers becoming the predominant category in the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation list of supporters. The new arrivals join the ranks of: Georg Tappeiner, Moreno Geremetta, Nicolò Miana, Anton Sessa, Andreas Tamanini, Alessandra Bello, Alessandra Masi, Alessandro Caon, Elia Lazzari, Franco Oliveri, Alessia Bortolameotti and Federica Cattaruzzi. They make up a real team of professionals and simple enthusiasts, sufficiently close-knit to organise joint events. These are people who will clamber to great heights, lie hidden for ages to capture the activities of a wild animal, or wait patiently for just the right light, dawn, sunset or starry night, to convey to people who can’t experience them first-hand the amazing feelings that only the Dolomites can offer. These photographers play a particularly valuable role in spreading the values of our Heritage. Their photos have been on show in special exhibitions, bringing the Dolomites to Italy and the world, and they fill the Foundation’s social networks with images of beauty, helping to attract an even greater audience of followers.