Positive results for “Incontri d’Alt(r)a Quota”

Listening to the voice of the Earth from deep in the geologic past, or in the footsteps of the great mountaineers of yesterday who have challenged and respected the Dolomites: “Incontri d’Alt(r)a Quota” [High-Altitude Encounters of Another Kind], organised by the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation again this summer, produced positive results, despite the first of the three scheduled events (planned at Rifugio Pordenone with writer Matteo Righetto) being cancelled due to bad weather.

In the two video stories, you can hear the voices of the participants and get a sense of the initiatives that took place between late August and early September: the first was a geotrekking expedition in the Brenta Dolomites, in Valle d’Ambiez, accompanied by Trento’s MUSE geologist Riccardo Tomasoni, Adamello Brenta Natural Park Global Geopark researcher William Bombarda, Alpine Guide Simone Elmi, and hosted by Rifugio Agostini manager Roberto Cornella; the second was a walk under the Pale di San Martino Mountains with the Giovanni Angelini Foundation of Belluno, during which talks by mountaineer and Alpine Guide Luca Vallata introduced participants to the “People and Mountains” project, before concluding at Rifugio Mulaz with managers Sebastiano Zagonel and Beatrice Depaoli.