SOSerrai: coming together for a fresh start

On the 31 December 2019, the campaign ended for the collection of funds to support works to restore the Serrai di Sottoguda gorge after damage caused by storm Vaia on 29 October 2018. The generosity, creativity and passion of 96 donors has enabled us to hit a total exceeding € 420,000!

SOSerrai for the reconstruction of Serrai di Sottoguda

Ph. Comune di Rocca Pietore

Serrai di Sottoguda

This is one of the main gateways to the Dolomites World Heritage Site. Though this incredible passageway carved through the rock by glacial erosion and the waters of the Pettorina mountain stream, visitors can approach the queen of the Dolomites, Marmolada. The rocks of the Serrai di Sottoguda gorge are limestone of the Marmolada, formed approximately 235 million years ago, which never underwent the process of “dolomitization”.

Travelling through the gorge is an extraordinary scenic experience, allowing visitors to touch the sublime quality of the Dolomites. It is a place where vertical structures offer their full expression and visitors can read the Earth’s history in the rocks before them, yet the trail is also easily accessible to all: families, the elderly and disabled persons.

Plans to restore the site

On 29 October 2018, storm Vaia destroyed the footpath, left bridges, embankment walls and stabilising walls compromised, and removed all of the material that made up the riverbed of the Pettorina stream. This left the spectacular gorge connecting Marmolada to the village of Sottoguda (one of the most beautiful villages in Italy) inaccessible. The new project will combine environmental sustainability with accessibility for the disabled, innovation with adaptability to climate change, and will contribute to promoting geological, geomorphological, landscape and historical and documentary aspects of the Serrai di Sottoguda gorge.

The main parties involved

The campaign #SOSserrai is the result of synergy between the Municipality of Rocca Pietore, which will lead planning and works to restore the site and the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation, which organised the campaign to raise funds and contributed to planning costs.


The list of donors who decided link their name to this mission:

Bertoldo Luisa srl

Alberto Bertoldo

Anna Bertoldo

Bruno Bertoldo

Maria Angela Sartori

Silvia Bertoldo

Archeosusegana Aps

Cugini Da Gai Conegliano-Roma

Fabrizio Muzzi

Laura Gasparini

Alessandra Rossi

Mario Fiscon

Alberto Bussolari

Jessica Soglia

Microart Aps

Cai di Parma – Raduno Family Cai 2019

Marco Bonadeo


Alice Fontana e Alessandro Grisenti

Leonarda Spinelli

Carlo Maria Nizzola

Luca Da Ros

Marmolada Srl

Tommaso Viel

Giovanni De Nardo

Pubblico Dolomites UNESCO Fest

Morena Vecchi

Dario Pozzobon

Pubblico Dolomiti Days

Marco Raimondo Passerini

Pubblico Cerimonia Celebrativa 10 Anni Dolomiti Unesco

Mariangela Cadorin

Pietro Badaloni

Francesca Zulian

Classe 4^ Scuola Mario Merlin di Chioggia Maestre Odetta e Fulvia

Federico Pontarin

Luca Pollero

Davide Biason

Michele Sorteni

Pubblico Trento Film Festival

Giorgio Zanella

Fiorenzo Stevanato

Paola Forcellini

Andrea Casazza

Riccarda De Eccher

Sauro Trombini

Alessandro Pegoraro

Agostino Bertoldo

Loredana Nava

Matteo Vianello

Andrea Silvani

Francesca Castelli

Alessio Rossi

Elisa De Nardin

Adolfo Da Rold

Lorenzo Bossi

Roberta Campanini

Giulia Gasparato

Aldo Sorarù

Art Trekking Italia

Giovanni Visonà

Monica Magri

Renzo Varazzi

Vittorio Pison

Diego De Pasqual

Manuela Crepaz

Natalia Ceccato

Doriano Mognon

Susanna Cro

Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova E Rovigo

Istituto Comprensivo “Rodari” di Santa Giustina

Fondazione Dolomiti UNESCO