Summer 2021: Live streaming from mountain huts on 8 April

Event ended


On 8 April at 6.00 p.m., the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation Facebook page will come alive with the stories, hopes and fears of the mountain hut managers with a view to next summer’s season. Brothers Gabriele and Michele Leonardi of the “Ai Brentei” Mountain Hut in the Brenta Dolomites will be streaming live along with Beatrice Depaoli and Sebastiano Zagonel, managers of the Mulaz Mountain Hut on the Belluno side of the Pale di San Martino.

Certain of uncertainty

The snow is slowly melting on rooftops and around the Dolomites World Heritage Site mountain huts. And along with the snow are melting any certainties about a summer season which, depending on the course of the pandemic, could present an obstacle course for the application of the COVID-19 regulations or challenges in managing uncontrolled influxes. Or even, as with the summer of 2020… both! We will take advantage of the enthusiasm, determination and motivation of Sebastiano and Beatrice, custodians of a historic facility such as the Mulaz, and Michele and Gabriele, who are engaged in the renovation and expansion of the “Ai Brentei” Mountain Hut, to discuss the topic. We will also speak with them about the awareness campaign that will be promoted by the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation on the responsible use of water resources at high altitudes. During the summer of 2020, we visited both facilities as part of the “Noi Dolomiti UNESCO” (We are the UNESCO Dolomites) feature: here they are in the video, and see you on 8 April!