Ten years in one

Those who live in the Dolomites, who love and admire them, and who come to visit them, will be gathering together on 26 June for “Dolomiti Day”: a special day to celebrate the first 10 years of UNESCO recognition. The main event begins at 11 a.m. in Piazza Dibona, Cortina. But there are already more than 140 other events planned for the rest of the year.

That’s one every two days

Because just one day of celebration is not enough. We need many different voices and locations to reflect the experience of ten years on the UNESCO World Heritage list. A full year of events: over 140. An interactive map on the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation website shows all the different venues, and you may like to visit some further away from your home or the place you are staying. Of course, most of the events with take place during the summer, including concerts, exhibitions, excursions, conferences and sports competitions. There has been a truly impressive response to the appeal launched by the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation, which invited anyone with an initiative linked to the values of our Heritage to tell us about it, and to allow its inclusion in the calendar of events.

Countdown to June 26th

June 26th will feature contributions by various institutions beginning with the Ministry of the Environment, represented by Undersecretary Vannia Gava, who chairs the celebration Committee. The music will be provided by four bands from different parts of the World Heritage region. As well as a celebration, the day will also be a call for action, with the relaunch of the “#SOSerrai: 1 million for the Serrai di Sottoguda” campaign. The gorge acts as the gateway to Mount Marmolada, and the aim is to rebuild the pedestrian way destroyed by Storm Vaia, making it more accessible, sustainable and resistant to climate change. Young people will also be involved, and will take part in a path camp which aims to teach them how to take proper care of the trails. The camp has been organised by the UNESCO Dolomites Foundation and SAT – the Tridentine Alpinists Society (in collaboration with the Alpine Clubs of South Tyrol, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto). And there will, of course, be contributions by some of the top quality producers in the UNESCO Dolomites, members of a network that has aimed to promote their work over recent years. They will present their range of products to the public, prior to a tasting session led by ambassador chefs from the Cortina 2021 Foundation.

The celebration continues

As we know, San Vigilio di Marebbe will be hosting the “Dolomites UNESCO Fest” on June 29th. Following the official celebrations in Cortina, this festival will be all about the people of the Dolomite valleys, their traditions, their cuisine, and their daily commitment to protect our Heritage. People who work in various capacities in the Dolomites will be gathering at San Vigilio on June 29th. Discussions will continue from previous days, addressing the social and cultural aspects of such burning topics as environmental protection, the fight against pollution, and the effects of climate change. They will also examine the millennial presence of Man in the Dolomites and his impact on the region’s ecosystems, and the beauty and harmony of these mountains from both a psychological and an aesthetic standpoint.