The other kind of high altitude we want

Now that summer is over, it’s time to take stock, not only of the trend in tourist flows or the “governance” of the Dolomites, but also of those initiatives, such as the “High-Altitude Encounters of Another Kind” which serve, more than anything, to point out the way forward and the choices to be made through a give and take dialogue with regional stakeholders.

Quality, perspective, slowing down

Three recommendations have emerged from the events organised at the Pordenone Mountain Hut in the Friulian Dolomites, the Città di Fiume Mountain Hut under the Pelmo and the Antermoia Mountain Hut in the heart of the Catinaccio. Unfortunately, the final event, a photographic workshop with Moreno Geremetta scheduled to take place at Alpe di Tires, was cancelled due to inclement weather.

The UNESCO Dolomites Foundation is grateful for the quality the Dolomites spontaneously offer up, such as the flowers and aromatic herbs expertly crafted by chef Alessandro Gilmozzi, for the perspectives translated into lucid glimpses into the future of the mountains through literary impressions such as those offered by Matteo Righetto during the literary trek, and for the slower pace that gives us the space to experience and contemplate the mountains and transform them into works of art such as those created by painter Silvia De Bastiani. The UNESCO Dolomites Foundation would also like to thank mountain hut managers Marika Freschi and Ivan Da Rios (Pordenone), Mario Fiorentini (Città di Fiume) and Martin Riz (Antermoia) for welcoming the participants and sharing with us their hard work, concerns, and the professional and human wealth that they infuse daily into their workshops and their relationships with visitors to the Dolomites.

Until next year, we leave you with the video stories of this summer’s events!