In the truest sense of the word. The quality producers and educational farms of the Dolomites UNESCO World Heritage Site were involved in an ambulatory training course that took place during September and October 2022 at some of the participating businesses, thanks to an initiative by the Education and Scientific Research Network (coordinated by the Autonomous Province of Trento with the support of Tsm|step School for Regional and Landscape Management) and the Network for Landscape Heritage and Protected Areas (coordinated by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia).

Ph. Alberto Montresor
Participation without borders
The course arose out of a desire to increase the competence and awareness of producers as the foremost developers and custodians of the landscape, cultivators of biodiversity and advocates of a sustainable economy. It was aimed at quality producers and educational farms. After an initial online training phase on the World Heritage values, the subsequent workshops took place in the area, thanks to the hospitality of the Dumia cooperative in Feltre (Belluno), Malga Negritella on the San Pellegrino Pass (with the experience of the cooperative dairy of Predazzo and Moena – Trento), the Michielli farm in Vìnigo di Cadore (Belluno), the Saliet farm in Claut (Pordenone), the Maso Lüch da Murin in Badia (Bolzano), and the Dalaip dei Pape agrotourism facility in Primiero-San Martino di Castrozza (Trento). Two outcomes were achieved in terms of participation – arousing interest and overcoming provincial and regional borders, which facilitated an open and enriching discussion on local experiences, common problems and the adoption of various solutions.
You can see the report on the training course here (ITA).
A kaleidoscope of experiences
From dairy products to small fruits, to medicinal herbs, to beekeeping, to vegetables, to the dissemination of information on the distinctive features of Dolomites products and educational approaches for arousing a love of their land and its products in even the youngest children – the training activities, first and foremost, allowed participants to talk to and get to know each other, share techniques and experiences, and develop the ability to tell their stories in order to help the public understand both their own unique nature and the responsibility deriving from functioning in an environmental context that has been included on the World Heritage list due to its uniqueness. The project was coordinated by Irma Visalli with organisational and educational support by Laura Solinas, Paola Flor and Maddalena Pellizzari (Tsm|step School for Regional and Landscape Management) and with the collaboration of Marta Mellere (graphics) and Alberto Montresor (photography and video). Many experts brought their contributions to the event which also featured workshops and tastings. The format was appreciated for its ability to put theoretical notions in direct contact with the experience of the participants.